1. Abstract
API to easily integrate a document capture and identification solution in your user acquisition path.
- Version
- Copyright
©IDnow 2023, This document is IDnow property. Diffusion or copy are forbidden without authorisation.
https://www.idcheck.io/terms-of-sales/ - Terms of service
- Contact
2. Access
Production SDK-WEB Api server : https://sdkweb.idcheck.ariadnext.io/rest/v1/idcheckio-sdk-web
Production authentication server : https://api.idcheck.ariadnext.io
Legacy Production SDK-WEB Api server : https://sdkweb.idcheck.io/rest/v1/idcheckio-sdk-web
Legacy Production authentication server : https://api.ariadnext.com
PVID Production SDK-WEB Api server : https://api.pvid.ariadnext.io/sdkweb/rest/v1/idcheckio-sdk-web
Sandbox SDK-WEB Api server : https://sdkweb.idcheck-sandbox.ariadnext.io/rest/v1/idcheckio-sdk-web
Sandbox authentication server : https://api.idcheck-sandbox.ariadnext.io
Legacy Demo SDK-WEB Api server : https://sdkweb-test.idcheck.io/rest/v1/idcheckio-sdk-web
Legacy Demo authentication server : https://api-test.ariadnext.com
Flow: password
TokenUrl: {OpenIdServerHost}/auth/realms/customer-identity/protocol/openid-connect/token
3. Endpoints
3.1. Configuration
Configuration used to customized User experience design (logo, colors, wording) of the application.
3.1.1. Create a new configuration
POST /configuration
Body Parameter
Name | Description | Type |
CustomerConf |
Content Type
Code | Message | Type |
201 |
The configuration has been created. |
400 |
Illegal input |
401 |
Authentication error. |
500 |
Internal error. |
Example HTTP request
Request body
"pathName" : "my-brand",
"wordings" : [ null, null ],
"code" : "MyConf_01",
"options" : {
"supportEmail" : "john.doe@doe.com",
"linkValidity" : "PT24H",
"idCaptureSettings" : {
"blockUpload" : true,
"captureModeMobile" : "CAMERA",
"disableImageBlackAndWhiteChecks" : false,
"disableImageQualityChecks" : false,
"captureMode" : "CAMERA",
"displayUploadPromptOnMobile" : true,
"captureModeDesktop" : "CAMERA"
"emailSenderName" : "MyCompany"
"theme" : {
"headerBgColor" : "#4c5866",
"btnBgColor" : "#4c5866",
"btnHoverBgColor" : "#0a64ce",
"titleTxtColor" : "#4286f4",
"hideHeaderBorder" : true,
"logo" : "base64_encoding",
"btnBorderRadius" : "15px",
"bodyBgColor" : "#4c5866",
"btnTxtColor" : "#aa7814",
"headerLogoAlign" : "LEFT"
Example HTTP response
Response 201
"pathName" : "my-brand",
"wordings" : [ null, null ],
"code" : "MyConf_01",
"options" : {
"supportEmail" : "john.doe@doe.com",
"linkValidity" : "PT24H",
"idCaptureSettings" : {
"blockUpload" : true,
"captureModeMobile" : "CAMERA",
"disableImageBlackAndWhiteChecks" : false,
"disableImageQualityChecks" : false,
"captureMode" : "CAMERA",
"displayUploadPromptOnMobile" : true,
"captureModeDesktop" : "CAMERA"
"emailSenderName" : "MyCompany"
"theme" : {
"headerBgColor" : "#4c5866",
"btnBgColor" : "#4c5866",
"btnHoverBgColor" : "#0a64ce",
"titleTxtColor" : "#4286f4",
"hideHeaderBorder" : true,
"logo" : "base64_encoding",
"btnBorderRadius" : "15px",
"bodyBgColor" : "#4c5866",
"btnTxtColor" : "#aa7814",
"headerLogoAlign" : "LEFT"
3.1.2. Delete a configuration
DELETE /configuration/{code}
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Type |
code |
Configuration code defined by the customer when it created the configuration. |
String |
Return Type
No Content
Content Type
3.1.3. Fetch all configurations
GET /configuration
Return Type
Content Type
Code | Message | Type |
200 |
All the configurations found. |
List[CustomerConf] |
400 |
Illegal input |
401 |
Authentication error. |
404 |
Resource not found. |
500 |
Internal error. |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"pathName" : "my-brand",
"wordings" : [ null, null ],
"code" : "MyConf_01",
"options" : {
"supportEmail" : "john.doe@doe.com",
"linkValidity" : "PT24H",
"idCaptureSettings" : {
"blockUpload" : true,
"captureModeMobile" : "CAMERA",
"disableImageBlackAndWhiteChecks" : false,
"disableImageQualityChecks" : false,
"captureMode" : "CAMERA",
"displayUploadPromptOnMobile" : true,
"captureModeDesktop" : "CAMERA"
"emailSenderName" : "MyCompany"
"theme" : {
"headerBgColor" : "#4c5866",
"btnBgColor" : "#4c5866",
"btnHoverBgColor" : "#0a64ce",
"titleTxtColor" : "#4286f4",
"hideHeaderBorder" : true,
"logo" : "base64_encoding",
"btnBorderRadius" : "15px",
"bodyBgColor" : "#4c5866",
"btnTxtColor" : "#aa7814",
"headerLogoAlign" : "LEFT"
3.1.4. Fetch a configuration
GET /configuration/{code}
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Type |
code |
Configuration code defined by the customer when it created the configuration. |
String |
Content Type
Code | Message | Type |
200 |
Configuration found. |
400 |
Illegal input |
401 |
Authentication error. |
404 |
Resource not found. |
500 |
Internal error. |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"pathName" : "my-brand",
"wordings" : [ null, null ],
"code" : "MyConf_01",
"options" : {
"supportEmail" : "john.doe@doe.com",
"linkValidity" : "PT24H",
"idCaptureSettings" : {
"blockUpload" : true,
"captureModeMobile" : "CAMERA",
"disableImageBlackAndWhiteChecks" : false,
"disableImageQualityChecks" : false,
"captureMode" : "CAMERA",
"displayUploadPromptOnMobile" : true,
"captureModeDesktop" : "CAMERA"
"emailSenderName" : "MyCompany"
"theme" : {
"headerBgColor" : "#4c5866",
"btnBgColor" : "#4c5866",
"btnHoverBgColor" : "#0a64ce",
"titleTxtColor" : "#4286f4",
"hideHeaderBorder" : true,
"logo" : "base64_encoding",
"btnBorderRadius" : "15px",
"bodyBgColor" : "#4c5866",
"btnTxtColor" : "#aa7814",
"headerLogoAlign" : "LEFT"
3.1.5. Update a configuration
PUT /configuration/{code}
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Type |
code |
Configuration code defined by the customer when it created the configuration. |
String |
Body Parameter
Name | Description | Type |
CustomerConf |
Content Type
Code | Message | Type |
200 |
The configuration has been updated. |
400 |
Illegal input |
401 |
Authentication error. |
404 |
Resource not found. |
500 |
Internal error. |
Example HTTP request
Request body
"pathName" : "my-brand",
"wordings" : [ null, null ],
"code" : "MyConf_01",
"options" : {
"supportEmail" : "john.doe@doe.com",
"linkValidity" : "PT24H",
"idCaptureSettings" : {
"blockUpload" : true,
"captureModeMobile" : "CAMERA",
"disableImageBlackAndWhiteChecks" : false,
"disableImageQualityChecks" : false,
"captureMode" : "CAMERA",
"displayUploadPromptOnMobile" : true,
"captureModeDesktop" : "CAMERA"
"emailSenderName" : "MyCompany"
"theme" : {
"headerBgColor" : "#4c5866",
"btnBgColor" : "#4c5866",
"btnHoverBgColor" : "#0a64ce",
"titleTxtColor" : "#4286f4",
"hideHeaderBorder" : true,
"logo" : "base64_encoding",
"btnBorderRadius" : "15px",
"bodyBgColor" : "#4c5866",
"btnTxtColor" : "#aa7814",
"headerLogoAlign" : "LEFT"
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"pathName" : "my-brand",
"wordings" : [ null, null ],
"code" : "MyConf_01",
"options" : {
"supportEmail" : "john.doe@doe.com",
"linkValidity" : "PT24H",
"idCaptureSettings" : {
"blockUpload" : true,
"captureModeMobile" : "CAMERA",
"disableImageBlackAndWhiteChecks" : false,
"disableImageQualityChecks" : false,
"captureMode" : "CAMERA",
"displayUploadPromptOnMobile" : true,
"captureModeDesktop" : "CAMERA"
"emailSenderName" : "MyCompany"
"theme" : {
"headerBgColor" : "#4c5866",
"btnBgColor" : "#4c5866",
"btnHoverBgColor" : "#0a64ce",
"titleTxtColor" : "#4286f4",
"hideHeaderBorder" : true,
"logo" : "base64_encoding",
"btnBorderRadius" : "15px",
"bodyBgColor" : "#4c5866",
"btnTxtColor" : "#aa7814",
"headerLogoAlign" : "LEFT"
3.2. Monitoring
Monitoring paths, offering health check.
3.2.1. Check API health
GET /monitoring/health
Content Type
Code | Message | Type |
200 |
Result of the health check. |
500 |
Internal error. |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"details" : {
"key" : "{}"
"status" : "UP"
3.3. NotificationEndpoint
Manage notification endpoints where notification will be sent.
3.3.1. Create a new notification endpoint
POST /notification-endpoint
Body Parameter
Name | Description | Type |
NotificationEndpoint |
Content Type
Code | Message | Type |
201 |
The notification endpoint has been created. |
400 |
Illegal input |
401 |
Authentication error. |
500 |
Internal error. |
Example HTTP request
Request body
"securityHeaderField" : {
"name" : "Api-key",
"value" : "IdCheckIo-SDK-Web"
"code" : "My_Endpoint_01",
"subscribedEvents" : [ "START_ONBOARDING", "START_ONBOARDING" ],
"active" : true,
"url" : "http://my-public-url.com/callback",
"useSsl" : true
Example HTTP response
Response 201
"securityHeaderField" : {
"name" : "Api-key",
"value" : "IdCheckIo-SDK-Web"
"code" : "My_Endpoint_01",
"subscribedEvents" : [ "START_ONBOARDING", "START_ONBOARDING" ],
"active" : true,
"url" : "http://my-public-url.com/callback",
"useSsl" : true
3.3.2. Delete a notification endpoint
DELETE /notification-endpoint/{code}
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Type |
code |
Notification endpoint code defined by the customer when it created it. |
String |
Return Type
No Content
Content Type
3.3.3. Fetch all notification endpoints
GET /notification-endpoint
Return Type
Content Type
Code | Message | Type |
200 |
All the notification endpoints found. |
List[NotificationEndpoint] |
401 |
Authentication error. |
500 |
Internal error. |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"securityHeaderField" : {
"name" : "Api-key",
"value" : "IdCheckIo-SDK-Web"
"code" : "My_Endpoint_01",
"subscribedEvents" : [ "START_ONBOARDING", "START_ONBOARDING" ],
"active" : true,
"url" : "http://my-public-url.com/callback",
"useSsl" : true
3.3.4. Fetch a notification endpoint
GET /notification-endpoint/{code}
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Type |
code |
Notification endpoint code defined by the customer when it created it. |
String |
Content Type
Code | Message | Type |
200 |
The requested notification endpoint found. |
400 |
Illegal input |
401 |
Authentication error. |
404 |
Resource not found. |
500 |
Internal error. |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"securityHeaderField" : {
"name" : "Api-key",
"value" : "IdCheckIo-SDK-Web"
"code" : "My_Endpoint_01",
"subscribedEvents" : [ "START_ONBOARDING", "START_ONBOARDING" ],
"active" : true,
"url" : "http://my-public-url.com/callback",
"useSsl" : true
3.3.5. Update a notification endpoint
PUT /notification-endpoint/{code}
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Type |
code |
Notification endpoint code defined by the customer when it created it. |
String |
Body Parameter
Name | Description | Type |
NotificationEndpoint |
Content Type
Code | Message | Type |
200 |
The notification endpoint has been modified. |
400 |
Illegal input |
401 |
Authentication error. |
404 |
Resource not found. |
500 |
Internal error. |
Example HTTP request
Request body
"securityHeaderField" : {
"name" : "Api-key",
"value" : "IdCheckIo-SDK-Web"
"code" : "My_Endpoint_01",
"subscribedEvents" : [ "START_ONBOARDING", "START_ONBOARDING" ],
"active" : true,
"url" : "http://my-public-url.com/callback",
"useSsl" : true
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"securityHeaderField" : {
"name" : "Api-key",
"value" : "IdCheckIo-SDK-Web"
"code" : "My_Endpoint_01",
"subscribedEvents" : [ "START_ONBOARDING", "START_ONBOARDING" ],
"active" : true,
"url" : "http://my-public-url.com/callback",
"useSsl" : true
3.4. Onboarding
User onboarding configuration (required documents, e-mail or phone link description, web page wordings) to capture documents.
3.4.1. Fetch the onboardings
GET /onboarding
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Type |
uid |
filter on onboarding uid. |
String |
status |
filter on onboarding status. See OnboardingStatusEnum for accepted values. |
String |
errorCode |
filter on Error code. See OnboardingEndErrorCodeEnum for accepted values. |
String |
dateFrom |
filter on onboarding created since. (Format: yyyy-MM-dd) |
date |
dateTo |
filter on onboarding created before. (Format: yyyy-MM-dd) |
date |
notificationType |
filter on how the link was sent to the user. See NotificationTypeEnumApiBean for accepted values. |
String |
businessUid |
Business related identifier defined by you, must be unique. |
String |
page |
Pagination page to return, zero-based page index. Number of results per page is returned in the response. |
Integer |
Content Type
Code | Message | Type |
200 |
Object containing the results and other data about the search. |
400 |
Illegal input |
401 |
Authentication error. |
500 |
Internal error. |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"totalResults" : 168,
"pageResults" : [ {
"captures" : [ {
"code" : "DOC1",
"failedCapture" : 4,
"successfullCapture" : 4
}, {
"code" : "DOC1",
"failedCapture" : 4,
"successfullCapture" : 4
} ],
"customerLogin" : "myAccount",
"link" : "https://sdkweb.idcheck.io/your-path/uid_onboarding/welcome",
"customerHash" : "08776783fds7982189869787sd93763294ds",
"confCode" : "myConfCode",
"lastUseDate" : "2017-07-21T17:32:28Z",
"notificationType" : "EMAIL",
"creationDate" : "2017-07-21T17:32:28Z",
"uid" : "110e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000",
"errorCause" : {
"code" : "USER_ERROR",
"details" : "details"
"shortenedLink" : "https://p.idcheck.io/hjghjYUyu",
"businessUid" : "MY_ID",
"nbLandingPageLoaded" : 4,
"expirationDate" : "2017-07-21T17:32:28Z",
"status" : "CREATED"
}, {
"captures" : [ {
"code" : "DOC1",
"failedCapture" : 4,
"successfullCapture" : 4
}, {
"code" : "DOC1",
"failedCapture" : 4,
"successfullCapture" : 4
} ],
"customerLogin" : "myAccount",
"link" : "https://sdkweb.idcheck.io/your-path/uid_onboarding/welcome",
"customerHash" : "08776783fds7982189869787sd93763294ds",
"confCode" : "myConfCode",
"lastUseDate" : "2017-07-21T17:32:28Z",
"notificationType" : "EMAIL",
"creationDate" : "2017-07-21T17:32:28Z",
"uid" : "110e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000",
"errorCause" : {
"code" : "USER_ERROR",
"details" : "details"
"shortenedLink" : "https://p.idcheck.io/hjghjYUyu",
"businessUid" : "MY_ID",
"nbLandingPageLoaded" : 4,
"expirationDate" : "2017-07-21T17:32:28Z",
"status" : "CREATED"
} ],
"distinctBusinessUid" : 0,
"totalPages" : 4,
"numberPerPage" : 50,
"currentPage" : 1,
"distinctUsers" : 1
3.4.2. Get document content.
GET /onboarding/{uid}/doccontent/{docCode}
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Type |
uid |
Uid of the onboarding. |
String |
docCode |
Code of the document. |
String |
Content Type
Code | Message | Type |
200 |
Document found |
400 |
Illegal input |
401 |
Authentication error. |
404 |
Resource not found. |
500 |
Internal error. |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"code" : "DOC1",
"docContents" : [ "docContents", "docContents" ]
3.4.3. Retrieve the status of an onboarding
GET /onboarding/{uid}/status
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Type |
uid |
Uid of the onboarding. |
String |
Content Type
Code | Message | Type |
200 |
Status & result of the onboarding. |
400 |
Illegal input |
401 |
Authentication error. |
404 |
Resource not found. |
500 |
Internal error. |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"result" : {
"uid" : "110e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000",
"analysisResults" : [ {
"code" : "code",
"analysisData" : {
"owner" : {
"lastNames" : [ "lastNames", "lastNames" ],
"firstNames" : [ "firstNames", "firstNames" ],
"birthDate" : {
"month" : 6,
"year" : 1,
"day" : 0
"withQualityIssues" : false,
"docType" : "ID"
"biometricConsent" : true,
"listCapturedDocs" : [ "listCapturedDocs", "listCapturedDocs" ],
"expectedDocTypes" : [ "ID", "ID" ],
"listCapturedDocUids" : [ "listCapturedDocUids", "listCapturedDocUids" ],
"cisData" : {
"cisDocumentUid" : "110e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000",
"_links" : [ {
"rel" : "CIS_FILE",
"href" : "http://localhost:8080/customer/1"
}, {
"rel" : "CIS_FILE",
"href" : "http://localhost:8080/customer/1"
} ]
}, {
"code" : "code",
"analysisData" : {
"owner" : {
"lastNames" : [ "lastNames", "lastNames" ],
"firstNames" : [ "firstNames", "firstNames" ],
"birthDate" : {
"month" : 6,
"year" : 1,
"day" : 0
"withQualityIssues" : false,
"docType" : "ID"
"biometricConsent" : true,
"listCapturedDocs" : [ "listCapturedDocs", "listCapturedDocs" ],
"expectedDocTypes" : [ "ID", "ID" ],
"listCapturedDocUids" : [ "listCapturedDocUids", "listCapturedDocUids" ],
"cisData" : {
"cisDocumentUid" : "110e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000",
"_links" : [ {
"rel" : "CIS_FILE",
"href" : "http://localhost:8080/customer/1"
}, {
"rel" : "CIS_FILE",
"href" : "http://localhost:8080/customer/1"
} ]
} ],
"extraData" : {
"missingOptionalDocs" : [ "missingOptionalDocs", "missingOptionalDocs" ],
"device" : {
"userAgent" : "userAgent"
"businessUid" : "MY_ID",
"cisData" : {
"fileCheckUid" : "110e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000",
"livenessCheckTaskUid" : "110e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000",
"fileCheckTaskUid" : "110e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000",
"_links" : [ {
"rel" : "CIS_FILE",
"href" : "http://localhost:8080/customer/1"
}, {
"rel" : "CIS_FILE",
"href" : "http://localhost:8080/customer/1"
} ],
"cisFileUid" : "110e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000",
"realm" : "myRealm",
"fileCheckTaskStatus" : "ENDED"
"status" : "SUCCESS"
"uid" : "110e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000",
"errorCause" : {
"code" : "USER_ERROR",
"details" : "details"
"message" : "OnboardingResults not available anymore, the delay of 24 hours expired.",
"status" : "CREATED"
3.4.4. Send a link to a user
POST /onboarding/sendlink
Body Parameter
Name | Description | Type |
OnboardingDefinition |
Content Type
Code | Message | Type |
201 |
Link sent to the user and itinerary registered. |
400 |
Illegal input |
401 |
Authentication error. |
402 |
Your account ran out of token. |
500 |
Internal error. |
Example HTTP request
Request body
"contactData" : {
"notificationType" : "EMAIL",
"value" : "user-email@mydomain.com"
"documentsToCapture" : [ {
"docTypes" : [ "ID", "ID" ],
"withDocLiveness" : false,
"versoHandling" : "MANDATORY",
"code" : "OWNER_ID",
"description" : "Please, take a picture of the trunk owner national identity card.",
"optional" : false,
"label" : "Car owner ID card",
"livenessReferenceDoc" : {
"location" : "ONBOARDING",
}, {
"docTypes" : [ "ID", "ID" ],
"withDocLiveness" : false,
"versoHandling" : "MANDATORY",
"code" : "OWNER_ID",
"description" : "Please, take a picture of the trunk owner national identity card.",
"optional" : false,
"label" : "Car owner ID card",
"livenessReferenceDoc" : {
"location" : "ONBOARDING",
} ],
"businessUid" : "MY_ID",
"options" : {
"identificationCode" : "ABC-1234-def",
"captureModeMobile" : "CAMERA",
"iframeDisplay" : false,
"iframeRedirectParent" : false,
"captureMode" : "CAMERA",
"consent" : {
"biometricConsent" : true
"legalMentions" : {
"externalLink" : "externalLink",
"hideLink" : false
"captureModeDesktop" : "CAMERA"
"resultHandler" : {
"cisConf" : {
"fileInputData" : {
"persons" : [ {
"financeData" : {
"iban" : "iban",
"bic" : "bic"
"identityData" : {
"birthDay" : "birthDay",
"birthMonth" : "birthMonth",
"birthPlace" : "birthPlace",
"lastName" : "lastName",
"gender" : "gender",
"nationality" : "nationality",
"birthYear" : "birthYear",
"firstNames" : [ "firstNames", "firstNames" ],
"usageName" : "usageName"
"addressData" : {
"zipCode" : "zipCode",
"city" : "city",
"addressLines" : [ "addressLines", "addressLines" ]
}, {
"financeData" : {
"iban" : "iban",
"bic" : "bic"
"identityData" : {
"birthDay" : "birthDay",
"birthMonth" : "birthMonth",
"birthPlace" : "birthPlace",
"lastName" : "lastName",
"gender" : "gender",
"nationality" : "nationality",
"birthYear" : "birthYear",
"firstNames" : [ "firstNames", "firstNames" ],
"usageName" : "usageName"
"addressData" : {
"zipCode" : "zipCode",
"city" : "city",
"addressLines" : [ "addressLines", "addressLines" ]
} ]
"technicalData" : [ {
"value" : "MyValue",
"key" : "ApMyKey"
}, {
"value" : "MyValue",
"key" : "ApMyKey"
} ],
"realm" : "myRealm",
"fileLaunchCheck" : false,
"fileCheckWait" : false,
"location" : "location",
"docTypeOverrides" : [ {
"docCode" : "OWNER_ID",
"cisDocType" : "ID"
}, {
"docCode" : "OWNER_ID",
"cisDocType" : "ID"
} ],
"disableManualAnalysis" : false,
"forceDocumentAnalysis" : false,
"fileUid" : "myFile",
"fileTags" : [ "fileTags", "fileTags" ]
"endpointsToNotify" : [ "endpointsToNotify", "endpointsToNotify" ],
"interfaceSettings" : {
"widgetConf" : "{}",
"language" : "EN",
"confCode" : "MyConf_01"
"redirectionData" : {
"errorRedirectUrl" : "http://mybrand.com/userform/uid/restart",
"successRedirectUrl" : "http://mybrand.com/userform/uid?capture=done",
"autoRedirect" : false
Example HTTP response
Response 201
"uid" : "110e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000",
"shortenedLink" : "https://p.idcheck.io/hjghjYUyu",
"dispatchInfo" : {
"msg" : "Click here https://goo.gl/NqMoXJ to start capturing documents for your car rental application.",
"subject" : "subject",
"notificationType" : "EMAIL"
"url" : "https://sdkweb.idcheck.io/your-path/uid_onboarding/welcome",
"expirationDate" : "2017-07-21T17:32:28Z"
3.5. OnboardingIps
User configuration for identity proofing onboardings (required documents, e-mail or phone link description, web page wordings) to capture documents.
3.5.1. Send an identity proofing onboarding link to a user
POST /onboarding-ips
Body Parameter
Name | Description | Type |
OnboardingIpsDefinition |
Content Type
Code | Message | Type |
201 |
Link sent to the user and itinerary registered. |
400 |
Illegal input |
401 |
Authentication error. |
402 |
Your account ran out of token. |
500 |
Internal error. |
Example HTTP request
Request body
"identityProofingId" : "identityProofingId",
"contactData" : {
"notificationType" : "EMAIL",
"value" : "user-email@mydomain.com"
"options" : {
"iframeRedirectParent" : false
"redirectionData" : {
"errorRedirectUrl" : "http://mybrand.com/userform/uid/restart",
"successRedirectUrl" : "http://mybrand.com/userform/uid?capture=done",
"autoRedirect" : false
"interfaceSettings" : {
"widgetConf" : "{}",
"language" : "EN",
"confCode" : "MyConf_01"
Example HTTP response
Response 201
"uid" : "110e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000",
"shortenedLink" : "https://p.idcheck.io/hjghjYUyu",
"dispatchInfo" : {
"msg" : "Click here https://goo.gl/NqMoXJ to start capturing documents for your car rental application.",
"subject" : "subject",
"notificationType" : "EMAIL"
"url" : "https://sdkweb.idcheck.io/your-path/uid_onboarding/welcome",
"expirationDate" : "2017-07-21T17:32:28Z"
4. Models
4.1. AddressData
Input address data
Field Name | Description | Type |
city |
String |
addressLines |
List of |
zipCode |
String |
4.2. AnalysisData
The data extracted from the analysis. May contain OwnerData if the document carried a MRZ.
Field Name | Description | Type |
docType |
withQualityIssues |
Flag to indicate if the document captured has quality issues (true). |
Boolean |
owner |
4.3. AnalysisResults
Returned to the client callback url and contains the analysis results extracted for a document.
Field Name | Description | Type |
code |
Code from the DocToCapture description, client defined capture identifier. |
String |
expectedDocTypes |
Expected docTypes that should be confirmed by the analysis. |
List of DocToCaptureTypeEnum |
listCapturedDocs |
List containing the document base64 contents that were captured, either one or both sides. |
List of |
listCapturedDocUids |
List containing the document ids that were captured, either one or both sides. |
List of |
biometricConsent |
The user consent for automated processing of Biometric documents (Only Selfie & Liveness). |
Boolean |
analysisData |
cisData |
captureSource |
4.4. CaptureDocData
Data about the doc captures.
Field Name | Description | Type |
code |
docCode of the document |
String |
successfullCapture |
Number of time the document was successfully captured. |
Integer (int32) |
failedCapture |
Number of time the document capture failed. |
Integer (int32) |
4.5. CaptureModeEnum
Capture mode used to define the way document are captured :
- CAMERA : open the camera widget
- UPLOAD : upload only
- PROMPT : user can choose camera or upload
Allowed values: PROMPT, CAMERA, UPLOAD
4.6. CaptureSourceEnum
Source of the captured document
- WIDGET_CAMERA : Capture has been done with a camera inside the browser (automatic capture).
- NATIVE_CAMERA : Capture has been done with a native camera outside the browser.
- UPLOAD : Document has been uploaded from the device.
- DRAGNDROP: Document has been uploaded from the device.
- UNKNOWN : Mobile user chose between NATIVE_CAMERA or UPLOAD and we don’t know the capture source.
4.7. CisConf
Configuration used to push document directly in the CIS.
Field Name | Description | Type |
realm |
CIS Realm where the file is created |
String |
fileUid |
Id of the file where to add the captured documents. |
String |
fileLaunchCheck |
launch file check at the end of the capture. |
Boolean |
fileCheckWait |
Wait the end of the file check to do the callback. |
Boolean |
fileTags |
Tags to add to the CIS file (help with search). |
List of |
docTypeOverrides |
Allow to override the document type pushed to CIS, so that it’s not the same as the type described on the itinerary. |
List of CisDocTypeOverride |
disableManualAnalysis |
Disable manual analysis |
Boolean |
forceDocumentAnalysis |
Force document analysis |
Boolean |
fileInputData |
location |
String |
technicalData |
List of KeyValue |
4.8. CisDocTypeOverride
Allow to override the document type pushed to CIS, so that it’s not the same as the type described on the itinerary.
Use case ⇒ Don’t launch analysis by using OTHER but push in CIS as ID.
Field Name | Description | Type |
docCode |
Code of the doc in the itinerary. |
String |
cisDocType |
4.9. CisDocumentData
Data containing CIS related information on document if the onboarding was pushed to the CIS.
Field Name | Description | Type |
cisDocumentUid |
The CIS document UID if the document was analyzed on CIS. |
String |
links |
Hateoas links associated with the file. |
List of HateoasLinks |
4.10. CisFileData
Data containing CIS related File information if the onboarding was pushed to a CIS File.
Field Name | Description | Type |
cisFileUid |
Id of the CIS file where the document have been pushed. |
String |
fileCheckUid |
Only if a synchronous file check was requested: id of the check in the CIS. |
String |
fileCheckTaskUid |
Only if an asynchronous file check was requested: id of the CIS task associated with the file check, that can be polled. |
String |
livenessCheckTaskUid |
Only if no file check was requested, but the onboarding contains a liveness document: id of the CIS task associated with the liveness analysis, that can be polled. |
String |
fileCheckTaskStatus |
links |
Hateoas links associated with the file. |
List of HateoasLinks |
realm |
CIS realm |
String |
4.11. CisTaskStatus
Status of the file check task
- ENDED Task ended
- ONGOING Task started and is on going
- FAILED Task suffering a technical error
- WAITING_MANUAL_ANALYSIS Task is waiting for a manual analysis
- WAITING_LIVENESS_ANALYSIS Task is waiting liveness analysis
4.12. ConfOptions
Optionals settings to further the customisation.
Field Name | Description | Type |
emailSenderName |
Name used to send the link by email. |
String |
linkValidity |
Duration before which the onboarding generated can be closed as expired (Default 24h, Min 5 minutes, Max 24h). |
String (100) |
supportEmail |
Email used to send warnings when there are callbacks issue. |
String |
idCaptureSettings |
4.13. ConfOptionsIdCaptureSettings
Optionals settings to customize ID capture.
Field Name | Description | Type |
blockUpload |
[EXPERIMENTAL] Force the user to capture his ID document with his device’s camera. Please contact a CSM to activate this feature. |
Boolean |
captureMode |
captureModeDesktop |
captureModeMobile |
displayUploadPromptOnMobile |
If true, when capturing an ID document (ID card, driving license…), the user will always be asked if he wants to take a picture with his camera or use a file on the device’s file system. |
Boolean |
disableImageBlackAndWhiteChecks |
Disable black and white quality issue |
Boolean |
disableImageQualityChecks |
Disable all quality issues |
Boolean |
4.14. ConfWording
Customise the wording seen by your users during the capture process.
⇒ If any message is null, its default value will be used.
The priority order is OnboardingDefinition wording, then CustomerConf wording and at last default API wording.
Field Name | Description | Type |
homeTitle |
Title displayed on the landing page. |
String |
homeMsg |
Message displayed on the landing page. |
String |
authentInputMsg |
Text displayed into the input of Home page. |
String |
authentHelpMsg |
Text displayed under the connect button to help user retrieve its connexion code. |
String |
errorMsg |
Message to display when a user associated with this configuration gets a device error or a technical error (Should not happen). |
String |
onboardingEndMsg |
Message to display on the end page (Above the redirect button when using redirection mode). |
String |
expiredMsg |
Message to display when a user click an expired link associated with this configuration. |
String |
linkEmailSubject |
Subject of the mail containing the link. |
String |
linkEmailMsg |
Message displayed in the e-mail to invite the client to begin the capture. |
String |
linkEmailSignature |
Signature displayed in the e-mail after linkEmailMsg. |
String |
linkSmsMsg |
Message displayed in the SMS to invite the client to begin the capture. |
String |
language |
4.15. ConfWordingAllOf
Field Name | Description | Type |
language |
4.16. ContactData
Defined the way used to send the link to capture documents.
Field Name | Description | Type |
notificationType |
value |
Contact value, depends on the medium: email or mobile number. |
String |
4.17. CustomerConf
Configuration defined by a Customer for all his Onboardings.
Field Name | Description | Type |
code |
Unique identifier defined by the user. |
String |
pathName |
Custom path that will be part of the link sent. |
String |
theme |
wordings |
Custom wordings to use instead of the default one for all your users, by language. |
List of ConfWording |
options |
4.18. DateObject
Date definition.
Field Name | Description | Type |
day |
day number of date. |
Integer (int32) |
month |
month number of date. |
Integer (int32) |
year |
year of date. |
Integer (int32) |
4.19. DeprecatedCaptureModeEnum
Capture mode used to define the way document are captured :
- CAMERA : open the camera widget
- CAMERA_WITH_UPLOAD_FALLBACK : (default) open the camera widget but allow upload in some cases
- UPLOAD : upload only
4.20. Device
Info about the device used to do the onboarding.
Field Name | Description | Type |
userAgent |
user-agent of the browser used to do the onboarding. |
String |
4.21. DispatchInfo
Information about what was sent to the user.
Field Name | Description | Type |
notificationType |
subject |
If link was sent by email, the subject of the mail received by the user. |
String |
msg |
Message encapsulating the link that the user received. |
String |
4.22. DocToCapture
Describe a document to capture.
Field Name | Description | Type |
code |
Code to associate with the captured document when returning the result. |
String |
docTypes |
List of accepted document type. |
List of DocToCaptureTypeEnum |
optional |
Flag indicating that the document capture is optional, SELFIE and LIVENESS documents can not be optional. |
Boolean |
versoHandling |
livenessReferenceDoc |
withDocLiveness |
[NOT WORKING] This flag indicates the document must be captured as a video, only allowed for ID documents (and only some models). Please get in touch with your CSM for more information. |
Boolean |
label |
Title of the page used to capture the document. |
String |
description |
Description of the document, to display in the web page used to capture the document. |
String |
4.23. DocToCaptureTypeEnum
Indicate the type of document.
- ID national identity card (Identity analysis)
- P passport (Identity analysis)
- V visa (Identity analysis)
- DL driving license (Identity analysis)
- HC health card (Identity analysis)
- RP resident permit (Identity analysis)
- SELFIE picture of user (Face detection)
- LIVENESS Liveness detection (Liveness analysis)
- KBIS company registration (not analysed)
- RIB bank account identity (not analysed)
- ADR_PROOF residence certificate (not analysed)
- PAY_SHEET remuneration statement (not analysed)
- TAX_SHEET tax bill (not analysed)
- CAR_REG car registration (Identity analysis)
- OTHER other type of document (not analysed)
4.24. DocumentContent
Content of a captured document.
Field Name | Description | Type |
code |
docCode of the document |
String |
docContents |
List containing the document base64 contents that were captured, either one or both sides, base64 encoded. |
List of |
4.25. Error
Object returned when there is an error and which shows detail about the error.
Field Name | Description | Type |
httpCode |
http code associated with the error. |
Integer (int32) |
errorCode |
error business identifier. |
String |
message |
readable explanation of the error. |
String |
data |
can contain extra data about the error. |
Object |
4.26. ExtraData
Extra information about the payload.
Field Name | Description | Type |
missingOptionalDocs |
List of the optional documents codes that the user chose not to capture. |
List of |
device |
4.28. HateoasLinkRel
Type of link available.
- CIS_FILE link to the CIS File resource where the captured documents have been pushed.
- CIS_FILE_CHECK if fileLaunchCheck
and fileCheckWait
are true, link to the CIS File check.
- CIS_FILE_CHECK_TASK if fileLaunchCheck
is true and fileCheckWait
is false, link to the CIS task handling the CIS File check.
- CIS_DOCUMENT link to the CIS Document resource where the capture has been analysed.
- CIS_DOCUMENT_CHECK link to the CIS Document check result.
- CIS_DOCUMENT_CHECK_TASK link to the CIS Document task being analysed.
- CIS_LIVENESS_CHECK_TASK link to the CIS Liveness document task being analysed.
- ONBOARDING_STATUS link to the current onboarding status
4.29. HateoasLinks
Link related to the resource.
Field Name | Description | Type |
rel |
href |
a complete URL that uniquely defines the relationship |
String |
4.30. HeaderLogoAlignEnum
Header logo alignment.
- LEFT (default)
Allowed values: LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER
4.31. HealthIndicator
Health indicator for the SDK-Web service.
Field Name | Description | Type |
status |
details |
Map containing the version of the application with key 'version' |
Map of |
4.32. HealthStatus
Health status.
- UP indicating that the component or subsystem is functioning as expected.
- DOWN indicating that the component or subsystem has suffered an unexpected failure.
- UNKNOWN indicating that the component or subsystem is in an unknown state.
- OUT_OF_SERVICE indicating that the component or subsystem has been taken out of service and should not be used.
4.33. IdentityData
Input identity data
Field Name | Description | Type |
birthDay |
String |
birthMonth |
String |
birthYear |
String |
birthPlace |
String |
gender |
String |
lastName |
String |
usageName |
String |
firstNames |
List of |
nationality |
String |
4.34. InputData
Field Name | Description | Type |
persons |
List of PersonData |
4.35. InterfaceSettings
Settings to personalise the capture web application interface.
Field Name | Description | Type |
confCode |
Identifier of the configuration to use. |
String |
wording |
language |
widgetConf |
Components’s configuration in raw JSON |
Object |
4.36. IpsInterfaceSettings
Settings to personalise the capture web application interface for Identity Proofing flow.
Field Name | Description | Type |
confCode |
Identifier of the configuration to use. |
String |
language |
widgetConf |
Components’s configuration in raw JSON |
Object |
4.37. ItineraryWording
indicate how to handled verso of the document.
- DEFAULT trust IDnow algorithm on verso handling (No verso requested if the document is not analysed).
- MANDATORY always ask for a verso, user is not allowed to skip its capture (Useful for documents that are not analysed).
- OPTIONAL always ask for a verso, but user is allowed to skip its capture (Useful for documents that are not analysed).
Field Name | Description | Type |
homeTitle |
Title displayed on the landing page. |
String |
homeMsg |
Message displayed on the landing page. |
String |
authentInputMsg |
Text displayed into the input of Home page. |
String |
authentHelpMsg |
Text displayed under the connect button to help user retrieve its connexion code. |
String |
errorMsg |
Message to display when a user associated with this configuration gets a device error or a technical error (Should not happen). |
String |
onboardingEndMsg |
Message to display on the end page (Above the redirect button when using redirection mode). |
String |
expiredMsg |
Message to display when a user click an expired link associated with this configuration. |
String |
linkEmailSubject |
Subject of the mail containing the link. |
String |
linkEmailMsg |
Message displayed in the e-mail to invite the client to begin the capture. |
String |
linkEmailSignature |
Signature displayed in the e-mail after linkEmailMsg. |
String |
linkSmsMsg |
Message displayed in the SMS to invite the client to begin the capture. |
String |
4.38. ItineraryWordingAllOf
Field Name | Description | Type |
linkEmailSubject |
Subject of the mail containing the link. |
String |
linkEmailMsg |
Message displayed in the e-mail to invite the client to begin the capture. |
String |
linkEmailSignature |
Signature displayed in the e-mail after linkEmailMsg. |
String |
linkSmsMsg |
Message displayed in the SMS to invite the client to begin the capture. |
String |
4.39. KeyValue
A generic data, containing a key and a value
Field Name | Description | Type |
key |
key of the data |
String |
value |
Value of the data. |
String |
4.40. LanguageEnum
Define the language (ISO_639-1) of the screens.
Careful, customized Wording messages (onboarding or configuration) have to be in the correct language.
Allowed values: EN, FR, IT, ES, DE, RO, CS, PL, PT, NL, AR, UK, SK, HU, BG, SQ, SR
4.41. LinkInfo
Response when the link was successfully sent to the user.
Field Name | Description | Type |
uid |
unique identifier of the onboarding. |
String |
url |
Full url of the link. |
String |
shortenedLink |
Shortened link of the onboarding (to lower message size if you use your own SMS broker) |
String |
expirationDate |
Date after which the onboarding can be closed as expired. (Format: RFC3339) |
Date (date-time) |
dispatchInfo |
4.42. LivenessReferenceDoc
For Liveness analysis, define how to find the reference document needed for comparison into liveness analysis.
Field Name | Description | Type |
location |
value |
The CIS ID or document code for reference document. |
String |
4.43. LivenessReferenceDocLocationEnum
Where to find the Liveness reference document:
- ONBOARDING: the reference document is into the current list of documents to be captured during this onboarding.
- CIS: the reference document is already into the CIS.
Allowed values: ONBOARDING, CIS
4.44. NotificationEndpoint
Notification endpoint defined by a Customer.
Field Name | Description | Type |
code |
Unique identifier defined by the user. |
String |
url |
Url used for the callback. Must be public. |
String |
securityHeaderField |
subscribedEvents |
List of subscribed events. |
List of NotificationEventEnum |
active |
Optional activation field. |
Boolean |
useSsl |
Flag to indicate if the call has to use SSL. |
Boolean |
4.45. NotificationEventData
Part of the notification payload that is specific to SDK-Web and set in the eventData attribute.
Field Name | Description | Type |
businessUid |
The onboarding businessUid you might have set at creation |
String |
endpointCode |
The Notification endpoint associated with the notification. |
String |
onboardingStatus |
withQualityIssues |
Flag to indicate if at least one document captured has quality issues (true). |
Boolean |
cisData |
errorCause |
4.46. NotificationEventEnum
The notification events available to subscribe to
4.47. NotificationTypeEnum
Canal used to contact the user.
NONE value is only allowed when doing onboarding search.
Allowed values: EMAIL, PHONE, NONE
4.48. OnboardingDefinition
Object sent to require onboarding initialization, can also trigger the link to be sent to the user and allow wording customizing.
Field Name | Description | Type |
businessUid |
Business related identifier defined by you, must be unique. |
String |
interfaceSettings |
redirectionData |
contactData |
resultHandler |
documentsToCapture |
List of documents definitions. |
List of DocToCapture |
endpointsToNotify |
List of notification endpoints code to notify during the onboarding |
List of |
options |
4.49. OnboardingDescription
The description of an onboarding are returned by the /onboarding path
Field Name | Description | Type |
uid |
unique identifier of the onboarding. |
String |
businessUid |
Business related identifier defined by you, must be unique. |
String |
link |
Full url of the link. |
String |
shortenedLink |
Shortened link of the onboarding (to lower message size if you use your own SMS broker) |
String |
customerLogin |
Customer associated with the onboarding. |
String |
confCode |
Customer associated with the onboarding. |
String |
creationDate |
Date at which the onboarding was created. (Format: RFC3339) |
Date (date-time) |
lastUseDate |
Latest date at which the user used the link. (Format: RFC3339) |
Date (date-time) |
expirationDate |
Date after which the onboarding can be closed as expired. (Format: RFC3339) |
Date (date-time) |
notificationType |
status |
errorCause |
nbLandingPageLoaded |
Number of time the landing page was loaded (Link click or Page refresh). |
Integer (int32) |
customerHash |
Hash of the customer identifier |
String |
captures |
Data about the doc captures. |
List of CaptureDocData |
4.50. OnboardingEndErrorCause
Cause of the error that terminated the onboarding.
Field Name | Description | Type |
code |
details |
More details about the origin of the error |
String |
4.51. OnboardingEndErrorCauseCodeEnum
Code of the error that terminated the onboarding.
- NETWORK_ERROR Connectivity error
- USER_ERROR Related to a user action.
- DEVICE_ERROR Related to the device’s capabilities (unsupported browser, camera…).
- DOCUMENT_ERROR Related to the document pushed by user (rejected, unidentified…).
- INTERNAL_ERROR There was an unexpected technical error during the onboarding.
4.52. OnboardingEndStatusEnum
Indicate if the onboarding was successful or not.
- SUCCESS capture was successful, analysis results are available.
- ERROR there was an error during the capture or while pushing the captured document, see errorDetail.
Allowed values: SUCCESS, ERROR
4.53. OnboardingIpsDefinition
Object sent to require PVID onboarding initialization, can also trigger the link to be sent to the user.
Field Name | Description | Type |
identityProofingId |
Must be equal to the Identity Proofing UID corresponding to the onboarding. |
String |
redirectionData |
contactData |
interfaceSettings |
options |
4.54. OnboardingIpsOptions
Options used for configuring.
Field Name | Description | Type |
iframeRedirectParent |
Indicates if the redirection in the iframe should be applied to parent window (true) or just to iframe (false) |
Boolean |
4.55. OnboardingNotification
The notification payload sent to your server
Field Name | Description | Type |
accountId |
Unique identifier for the user. |
String |
appId |
Identifier of the App which triggered the notification. It’ll always be SDK-Web |
String |
resourceId |
The uid returned when you created the onboarding. |
String |
resourceType |
The type of the resource, it’ll always be ONBOARDING. |
String |
event |
eventDate |
Notification date creation |
String |
eventData |
links |
Hateoas links associated with the onboarding. |
List of HateoasLinks |
4.56. OnboardingOptions
Options used for configuring.
Field Name | Description | Type |
identificationCode |
The identification code needed for authentication. |
String |
iframeDisplay |
Indicates if the itinerary will be displayed into iframe so header is hidden and responsiveness is disabled. |
Boolean |
iframeRedirectParent |
Indicates if the redirection in the iframe should be applied to parent window (true) or just to iframe (false) |
Boolean |
consent |
legalMentions |
captureMode |
captureModeDesktop |
captureModeMobile |
4.57. OnboardingOptionsConsent
Object for user consent.
Field Name | Description | Type |
biometricConsent |
The user consent for automated processing of Biometric documents (Selfie & Liveness). |
Boolean |
4.58. OnboardingOptionsLegalMentions
Object containing various options concerning legal mentions
Field Name | Description | Type |
hideLink |
Indicates if Legal Mentions (Cookies handling, automatic data processing…) are displayed outside SDK-Web. |
Boolean |
externalLink |
Indicates the url of an external web page containing the legal mentions (Cookies handling, automatic data processing…). |
String |
4.59. OnboardingPaginatedResults
The description of an onboarding are returned by the /onboarding path
Field Name | Description | Type |
totalResults |
Total number of results. |
Integer (int32) |
totalPages |
Total number of pages to display those results |
Integer (int32) |
numberPerPage |
Number of result per page |
Integer (int32) |
currentPage |
Active page. |
Integer (int32) |
distinctUsers |
Number of distinct user, each clicked link count for a distinct one. |
Integer (int32) |
distinctBusinessUid |
Number of distinct businessUid in the results. Onboarding without business uid does not count. |
Integer (int32) |
pageResults |
Results matching that page. |
List of OnboardingDescription |
4.60. OnboardingResults
Object containing the final results of the onboarding, once it’s complete.
If status is OK, it will contain missingOptionalDocs
& analysisResults
If status is not OK, it will contain errorDetail
Field Name | Description | Type |
uid |
unique identifier of the onboarding. |
String |
businessUid |
Business related identifier defined by you. |
String |
status |
analysisResults |
List of AnalysisResults |
cisData |
extraData |
4.61. OnboardingStatusEnum
Status of the onboarding.
- CREATED the onboarding was initialized (Onboarding still active).
- CLICKED the user reached the onboarding starting page (Onboarding still active).
- CAPTURE_ONGOING the user captured at least one document but did not yet complete the onboarding (Onboarding still active).
- SUCCESS the onboarding was completed.
- EXPIRED the onboarding expired before the user completed it and was automatically closed.
- ERROR the onboarding was terminated because of an error, see errorDetail.
4.62. OnboardingStatusResults
Status if the onboarding, contains results as well if the onboarding reached the end.
Field Name | Description | Type |
uid |
unique identifier of the onboarding. |
String |
status |
errorCause |
result |
message |
Information message.(Like to warn that the results are not available anymore if delay expired). |
String |
4.63. OnboardingWording
The customisable wording used during the capture process.
Field Name | Description | Type |
homeTitle |
Title displayed on the landing page. |
String |
homeMsg |
Message displayed on the landing page. |
String |
authentInputMsg |
Text displayed into the input of Home page. |
String |
authentHelpMsg |
Text displayed under the connect button to help user retrieve its connexion code. |
String |
errorMsg |
Message to display when a user associated with this configuration gets a device error or a technical error (Should not happen). |
String |
onboardingEndMsg |
Message to display on the end page (Above the redirect button when using redirection mode). |
String |
expiredMsg |
Message to display when a user click an expired link associated with this configuration. |
String |
4.64. OwnerData
Data related to the document owner (Only extracted from MRZ documents).
Field Name | Description | Type |
lastNames |
List of |
firstNames |
List of |
birthDate |
4.66. RedirectionData
Configuration used to redirect the user’s browser to you at the end of the onboarding.
Field Name | Description | Type |
successRedirectUrl |
Url to redirect the user once the capture process is done and results have been sent to the callback url. |
String |
errorRedirectUrl |
Url to redirect the user if there is an issue with the onboarding. |
String |
autoRedirect |
By default at the end of the onboarding (success), there is a page with a customisable message and a button which trigger redirection. |
Boolean |
4.67. ResultHandler
How are the results forwarded at the end of the onboarding.
At least one solution is mandatory.
Field Name | Description | Type |
cisConf |
4.68. SecurityHeaderField
Optional header field to authenticate the request as coming from IdCheckIo-SDK-Web.
Field Name | Description | Type |
name |
Name of the header. |
String |
value |
Value of the header. |
String |
4.69. Theme
Theme to be applied to the mobile capture experience.
Field Name | Description | Type |
logo |
Logo displayed in the top left corner. |
String |
titleTxtColor |
Color applied to the Webapp home page title. |
String |
headerBgColor |
Deprecated |
String |
bodyBgColor |
Background color for the body. |
String |
btnBgColor |
Background color for the buttons. |
String |
btnHoverBgColor |
Background color when hovering over buttons. |
String |
btnTxtColor |
Color for buttons text. |
String |
btnBorderRadius |
Defines the radius of the buttons corners. |
String |
headerLogoAlign |
hideHeaderBorder |
Flag to indicate if the header border should be hidden (default:false) |
Boolean |
4.70. VersoHandlingEnum
indicate how to handled verso of the document.
- DEFAULT trust IDnow algorithm on verso handling (No verso requested if the document is not analysed).
- MANDATORY always ask for a verso, user is not allowed to skip its capture (Useful for documents that are not analysed).
- OPTIONAL always ask for a verso, but user is allowed to skip its capture (Useful for documents that are not analysed).